Slow Progress on the Clock

I've been working on the whereabouts clock in fits and starts since I got the grandfather clock body. I've disassembled the top third of the clock (since that's the part that I really care about at the moment) and started stripping off the old stain and making some small repairs as needed. I've polished up some of the hardware to make it a little shinier, but still retain some antiqued look to it.
I bought some glass to insert into the door, but it might be too thin. I may need to have Heather get some from a stained glass shop or custom glass shop to get it to fit right. We'll see what happens when we get there.
I finally found a decent supply of brass for the face. I tried all the big-box stores first (since I was there anyway) and got nothing. The hobby shop had some, but only tiny pieces. I ended up going to Metals4U up the road and got a pretty big piece for about $30. I hope it's thick enough to etch. I will have to glue it onto some thin ply or other wood to reinforce it. Hey, that's what the grandfather clock did, so it can't be that bad of an idea.
I'm getting close to finishing the design of the face. Since my clock face isn't square or round, but square with a half-round at the top I'm having to be a bit creative in the big empty spaces. First I thought that the Hogwarts crest would be cool to put there, but this is my clock, not Hogwarts or Harry Potter. I'm leaning toward using some or all of the Jones family crest. It has to be only in black and white, so that's a challenge. I think I like the rampant lion above the surname in the half-round section of the face. I'll post the image once I've completed it.


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