Whereabouts Software, Part 2 - Fetch Locations

The server-side collection and processing is done with a PHP script on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server and is executed by cron.  I set mine to query the phone data every 15 minutes, and it didn't seem to kill my battery any more than normal.  Increase or decrease the timing as you see fit.

The script is dependent on the work of Tyler Hall and his Sosumi PHP library to get the location data from the Find my iPhone service.  You will need to download the class from his website.

The script included below will query the phone data for users in the database whose 'location_source' is 'GPS'.  You will need to modify the following in the script to get the location grabbing code to work:

// Enter your iCloud username and password
$ssm = new Sosumi('your_apple_id', 'your_password');

// Database connection information
$db_hostname = "your_database_host";
$db_username = "db_username";
$db_password = "db_password";
$db_database = "whereabouts";

Once this is completed, run the script with `php fetch_locations.php` and observe the output.  You should see something similar to this:

Timestamp: 1381456148
Date Time: 2013-10-10 20:49:08

 LAST DATA: USER1                      | PHONE DATA: USER1                     
 Timestamp: 1381454227                 |  Timestamp: 1381455996                
  DateTime: 2013-10-10 20:17:07        |   DateTime: 2013-10-10 20:46:36       
  Latitude: xx.xxxxxxxx                |   Latitude: xx.xxxxxxxxx           
 Longitude: yy.yyyyyyyy                |  Longitude: yy.yyyyyyyyyyy          
  Accuracy: zz                         |   Accuracy: zzz                       
  Location: home                       |   Location: home                      
            NEW PHONE DATA!            | No change.  Still at: home            

 LAST DATA: USER2                      | PHONE DATA: USER2                   
 Timestamp: 1381455883                 |  Timestamp: 1381455907                
  DateTime: 2013-10-10 20:44:43        |   DateTime: 2013-10-10 20:45:07       
  Latitude: xx.xxxxxxxxxxx             |   Latitude: xx.xxxxxxxxx           
 Longitude: yy.yyyyyyyyyyy             |  Longitude: yy.yyyyyyyyy          
  Accuracy: yy                         |   Accuracy: yy                        
  Location: home                       |   Location: home                      
            NEW PHONE DATA!            | No change.  Still at: home            

Here's the source code:  fetch_locations.php


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