Lots done on the clock this weekend

I was able to get quite a bit done on the Whereabouts Clock this weekend.  I had previously posted that the brass face for the clock has been silk-screened and it looks great.  I did put some clear lacquer on the front of it to protect it from tarnishing.  I had also been working on a frame to hold the face in the clock.  The original design of the grandfather clock had the face-mounted to the clock internals, and it left a lot of empty space surrounding the face.  It looked really bad, according to my wife.  I purchased some 1" x 6" red oak stock and built a frame to fit inside the cabinet and hold the brass face.

The oak frame and brass face are glued to some 1/4" hardboard and glued inside the case.  In the original design of the grandfather clock, the front face was the only maintenance access to the internals.

With the oak frame and face in place, there's no way to access the clock internals from the front.  I built a door to cover the back plywood and have it closed with some 1/2" round magnets.  With this door on the back the servers, networking gear, Arduino, etc. will all be accessible.  Here are some pictures of the build so far:


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