New Shop Tool

 I've been researching for CNC routers for a couple of years now.  I think the addition of one of these tools to my workshop would be very beneficial.  After much prodding, my wife conceded on the condition that I could use it to make Christmas presents for folks this year.  I had narrowed my focus to the Carbid3D Shapeoko XXL line.  Fairly quickly I found a gentleman selling the current Shapeoko 4 model in Houston.  I loaded up the van, rented a trailer and drove to Houston this past Saturday to pick it up.

I have to say, this thing is impressive!  With a cutting area of 31" x 31" it should be capable of some great projects.  I loaded up Carbide Motion and created some test cuts with gcode created by Carbide Create.  My next mission is to learn how to use Fusion 360 to generate the toolpaths and to start using multiple tools.  Here's to more future projects!


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