Clock face brass completed

I got the silkscreened brass back from James at Preston Screen Printing this morning. He did a great job with it.
I was able to work quite a bit more on the clock today. I need to clear lacquer the brass face to keep it from tarnishing, but I have to do it when it's between 50 and 90 degrees. Our string of 100+ degree days isn't helping on that front. I got a lot done on the frame for the face. The original grandfather clock frame left a big gap around the brass face and looked rather bad, so I'm constructing an oak frame that will fill the gap. This will make the face a permanent fixture of the clock, so the mechanism will have to be accessed from the back instead of the front door of the clock. It's gluing this evening, so hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get the router out and put a decorative finish to the face frame and start to get it installed.


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