Starting to work on the clock face

I haven't touched the whereabouts clock in quite a while. A few weeks back I did complete the woodwork on the upper third of the grandfather clock that I'm using to house the project. I think it looks pretty slick. I also was able to mount the mechanism inside, so now it's on to creating the clock face.
I studied up on how previous folks have etched brass. Mostly here and here. I took my design down to Office Depot to print since I don't have a laser printer. They didn't have ledger size inkjet photo paper, but the guy did say he had some glossy ledger paper. I gave it a try on a sample piece of brass.
I ironed on the paper like the instructions said and soaked it in water to dissolve the paper. What a failure! I think that 1) I didn't have him print it with enough toner, and 2) the paper is not quite right. Large chunks of toner stuck to the paper and came off instead of sticking to the brass. Fortunately, the prints from Office Depot cost me less than $2, so I'm not worried about it. I'll try to use some real inkjet photo paper and create some tests on a borrowed laser printer before I try to track down some ledger size inkjet photo paper.
Trial and error!


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