V-22 Osprey Project - Swashplate Repair

It's been a while since my last post. In July my father, my son, and I traveled to Malvern, OH, for the annual Flite Fest RC festival hosted by Flite Test. I took the Osprey with me to show off with the hopes of a demonstration flight, but it was not to be. I noticed prior to leaving for Ohio that one of the ball links on the left swashplate had stripped out and was loose. I attempted to glue it back in with CA glue as an extreme thread locker, but it came loose during the 1500 mile trip. At the festival I tried to glue it again with some epoxy, but it came loose again in handling at the festival. Without any additional supplies on hand this meant that any demonstration flights were cancelled. When I got home I was able to repair the swashplate and ball link by drilling out the ball link itself and threading it with a 2-56 thread. The original threads were 2mm and 2-56 is just slightly larger at 2.18mm. I also drilled and threaded the swashplate...